2.1 Inception mission

The Inception Mission was conducted in April and May 2000. Team members spent two of those weeks in Phnom Penh. Three team members also attended training in L1 survey techniques supplied by the Survey Action Centre, in Washington DC. This is a course provided to all new surveys. The Inception Mission team consisted of:

Michael Simmons Project Director
Gregory Wickware Technical Advisor
John Brown Project Manager
Valerie Warmington     Stakeholder Relations Advisor
Dr Sau Sisovanna Project Support Office

Its primary output was the Project Management Plan, which was submitted to CIDA and approved by the end of May 2000. Contents of this plan include: A number of key issues were raised during the mission, most of which were resolved before completion of the mission. A short explanation of the most significant issues is presented:
Eat and drinking with an anti-tank mine (Translated by Keo Vuthy)

The three oldest men living in Tapip village of Bavith commune, Chantrea district were assembled in a circle, as they often did, to drink wine. The one who owned the house they were in had found an anti tank mine long ago and had brought it into his house as an ornament. He was very fond of it and often polished it so that it shone nicely, but he knew what it was. After a while, the three old men were more drunk than usual and dared each other to sit on the anti-tank mine. If one of them blew up then the others would share all his money. One of them said that one man alone is unlikely to explode it. He was right about this. One of the others said that it might be exploded, if sufficient weight was placed on it. They thought about this for a while and it sounded as though it would work. But when they all tried to step on it together they could not stay on it and fell backwards several times on the floor. Now they were getting frustrated because they could not decide if the weight of three of them was enough to blow it up. But then they had a bright idea; they took a plank of wood, balanced it on the mine and then all three of them stepped on it. That worked. The mine exploded and the three men died instantly.

(By: Khut Khean, Team Leader T3)

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